Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Growing divide

Interesting post by a young privileged woman who is just realizing there is an increasing gap in India between haves and have-nots. Her thoughts are genuine, even if her perspective is ingenuous.
But I now realize that the so-called rapid development the country is experiencing is benefiting the rich and the educated middle class only. There is still a huge sector apart from IT that still needs to develop in order to absorb the non IT people into the development mainstream.

I guess if I was one of them I too would resent the opportunities and benefits some sections are enjoying while I had no scope for such jobs because my qualification is useless for the IT sector. And it is these people who vote for Communists. I saw Achudanandan* speaking to the media yesterday and he scoffed the 'so-called-development agenda' of the Congress. Suddenly it fell into place. There is a huge sea of people out there that are damn scared. Their skills are no longer relevant in the IT centric economy. They fear the development, which they feel, will benefit the IT sector only.
* sic -- it's actually Achuthanandan
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